Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Week in Kake

So, as you know I had a few kakes last weekend. Well, they all turned out great! I even managed to fit in time to make myself a birthday kake or 3! lol I must say, I'm getting pretty good at this multiple kake stuff! So, wanna see the results???

First was the Justin Bieber Kake. A two tier square with chocolate on the bottom tier and classic yellow on top. Covered in a purple buttercream! Everything pictured is edible, the frame, the stars, the 5 and yes even the microphone.
Next was a classic black and white 1st Anniversary Kake. A chocolate cake with buttercream and chocolate chip filling covered in my delicious buttercream! Yum! I made 3 black and white daisies to give it a classic refined look and a border of black fondant for each tier. Very pretty kake!
 Then there was the Unicorn Kake! This was a single layered yellow kake with a buttercream chocolate chip filling. I covered it in a bright pink buttercream and deep purple accents. The unicorn was my very first attempt at making any figures. I did it free hand out of gumpaste and I think it turned out magical! I added some magic dust to the unicorns horn, mane and tail so it would shimmer. Again, everything in the picture is 100% edible!
Last was the Ladybug Kake made for an 18th birthday. It was a Red Velvet Kake with my very own ButterKreamCheese Icing that is to die for! :) This kake was topped with my very first attempt at a RKT figure and that little ladybug was so cute! The perfect topper for a black and red kake! As always, everything pictured is 100% edible.
All of these kakes turned out AMAZING and were LOVED by all the people who had the pleasure to eat them. (Including me, because every kake had left over batter that I ended up making 3 small kakes for my own birthday from! lol)
So that was my week in kake. What do you think??

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