Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall Has Arrived!

Have I not mentioned before how much I LOVE fall? It is such a wonderful time of year, the air starts to get cooler, the leaves start to turn and best of all it means the holidays are just around the corner! So in honor of it now being OFFICIALLY Fall, I decided to post these amazing cookies.Courtesy of CookieRookie on

Last week I actually learned how to make this exact type of cookie at the Ocala Cake Club. Sherrie Goolsby taught us all how to do fondant covered cookies. It was a wonderful experience. We have such a talented group of ladies in our club. :)
I think I may try my hand at making some of these myself. Who doesn't love some cookies around the holidays?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Funday!

Hey everyone! I hope you are all having a fun filled Sunday! This week has been a very busy one! I had a lot of kakes to make and I am also sponsoring a bake sale this coming week for the March of Dimes. Never seems to be a day off. But, at least I'm doing what I truly love! So let me share with you my week in kake....
Princess Miley turned 3 and had a beautiful pink kake fit for any princess.
Then there was the Browning logo in camo. My very first ever carved kake. I thought it turned out great! :)
This kake I made for a friend and colleague at work. She was the department supervisor of the kids department and she is retiring from retail to go and work with her daughter training horses. The kake shows that she threw away all her kids department things for the greener pasture. lol It was a hit!
Last I had a Fox Motor cross themed birthday kake. The birthday boy's favorite color is neon green and he loves Fox. So this is what I came up with. He loved it!

So there we have it. My week in kake. I love making kakes for every one's special occasions and I am so blessed to have the support I do from everyone.
Thank you all so very much!

Sweet Dreaming! :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day!

Well guys and gals, Labor Day 2011 has come and gone. I hope you all had a great fun filled day full of cookouts and family fun! When labor day has gone every year it signals in my head that fall is almost here. Yes, fall in Florida isn't really the ideal fall. We don't get to watch the leaves change but we do get cooler weather! In Florida that is a thing of beauty in itself. So in honor of Labor Day and the signalling that Summer and grilling is almost over I wanted to share this adorable kake with you. These are my 3 year old daughters three favorite summertime foods on one plate. Cheeseburger, Corn on the cob and watermelon.(And yes it's all kake) Yummy!
I hope you enjoy it! :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The FireFisher!

I had the wonderful privilege this week to make a surprise 40th birthday kake for a firefighter who also happens to be a fisherman. I was given a few ideas of what they wanted the kake to have on it and I went from there. I sketched it out for approval, like I do on almost all of my kakes, and then started going to town! The finished product turned out even better in my opinion than the sketch.  The birthday was a huge success and so was the kake!
Here is the sketch...

Here is the finished kake!

   Finally, here are a few close up shots of the topper. I had a pleasure making this kake! It was so much fun to make all of the intricate details! :)

Happy Kaking!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Always some sort of kakery going on!

I've been a bad blogger! I haven't updated anyone in quite a while now. Good news is that I've been VERY busy working on my website and hopefully that will be fully functioning in the next two weeks. :) 

I thought I'd share with you some of my recent kakery.
I had the honor of doing a Hello Kitty Kake for a young lady's 14th birthday! It turned out oh so cute in my opinion.
Then I did an adorable Baby Shower Kake. It was Pink and Brown and was supposed to look like a gift to the mommy-to-be! I loved making this kake, it brought me back to my own first baby shower which was also pink and brown themed. It turned out wonderful!

I also recently made the kake for my "free kake" raffle. It was fire themed and I absolutely love the way it turned out. It had everything a firefighter would want, from flames wrapping around the base of the kake to the 'fire life' logo. This kake was a hit!!!

Congratulations to Laura Ferguson, the winner of my "free kake" raffle. Once Kristin's Kakes gets to 200 Fans on Facebook I'll be raffling off another one!!!

Thank you all for your continued support. I couldn't do this without you!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Week in Kake

So, as you know I had a few kakes last weekend. Well, they all turned out great! I even managed to fit in time to make myself a birthday kake or 3! lol I must say, I'm getting pretty good at this multiple kake stuff! So, wanna see the results???

First was the Justin Bieber Kake. A two tier square with chocolate on the bottom tier and classic yellow on top. Covered in a purple buttercream! Everything pictured is edible, the frame, the stars, the 5 and yes even the microphone.
Next was a classic black and white 1st Anniversary Kake. A chocolate cake with buttercream and chocolate chip filling covered in my delicious buttercream! Yum! I made 3 black and white daisies to give it a classic refined look and a border of black fondant for each tier. Very pretty kake!
 Then there was the Unicorn Kake! This was a single layered yellow kake with a buttercream chocolate chip filling. I covered it in a bright pink buttercream and deep purple accents. The unicorn was my very first attempt at making any figures. I did it free hand out of gumpaste and I think it turned out magical! I added some magic dust to the unicorns horn, mane and tail so it would shimmer. Again, everything in the picture is 100% edible!
Last was the Ladybug Kake made for an 18th birthday. It was a Red Velvet Kake with my very own ButterKreamCheese Icing that is to die for! :) This kake was topped with my very first attempt at a RKT figure and that little ladybug was so cute! The perfect topper for a black and red kake! As always, everything pictured is 100% edible.
All of these kakes turned out AMAZING and were LOVED by all the people who had the pleasure to eat them. (Including me, because every kake had left over batter that I ended up making 3 small kakes for my own birthday from! lol)
So that was my week in kake. What do you think??

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lotsa Kake!

This weekend is all booked up! What a great feeling! I have a Justin Bieber Kake, a Unicorn Kake, a Black and White Anniversary Kake and an 18th Birthday Kake. Lots going on and best of all it is distracting me from my upcoming dreaded 30th Birthday. But wait.....don't I need a kake?!?! Hmmm....

Friday, July 8, 2011

Kristin's Kakes!

My website has a face! Be sure to go check it out at Keep in mind it is in the beginning stages right now. Just gives you an idea of what it will end up looking like! I'm very excited about it! Can't wait until it's fully up and running and operational! I'll keep everyone posted! Thanks for all the support!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Florida I.C.E.D. News...

Florida ICED's first year turned out to be a HUGE success. We are now off to planning and preparing for our 2nd Annual Florida ICED Cake Competition. The dates and location have officially been announced! So, mark your calendars for March 31 and April 1, 2012.  This years venue is AMAZING. It will be held at the Circle Square Cultural Center here in Ocala.   I will keep everyone updated on my blog, but you can also check out  If you have any questions on sponsoring, vendor space or and general questions, please let me know and I will be glad to assist you. 

Also, this years theme, which we voted on at the last show, will be Masquerade Ball.  There will be categories for every type of decorator to enter! It should be a wonderful event!

Tink, Tink, Huddle....Kakes Done!

So here is my busy weekend of kakery results.
The first Tinkerbell kake turned out great, despite a few setbacks which hopefully aren't that noticeable. ;)
Everyone at Allison's 4th Birthday loved the Chocolate kake with Strawberry filling. :)

The second Tinkerbell kake was for a friends 3rd birthday. I love the way the gumpaste grass twists turned out! A new technique that was so much fun!
 Everything shown is completely edible except the Tink candle on top. I had the pleasure to be at this birthday party, that was so much fun, and taste this YUMMMY Kake! The yellow butter Kake with raspberry filling was AMAZING! Everyone loooved it!

Finally, my very first "Building" kake! What a great challenge this was for me. I THRIVE on challenges and this one took the kake! lol
This was a 1st Anniversary kake for a friend of mine. They originally met at a Huddle House restaurant in Georgia and I had the bright idea to replicate that exact restaurant. It turned out soooo cute!

The Red Velvet kake turned out wonderfully! The couple LOVED the recreation!

So, all in all, I had a very successful weekend! It was so much fun making these wonderful kakes. I love all the support and opportunities you all are bringing my way. Keep them coming!

Happy Kakery!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kake, Kake, Kake!

Just when I thought I was going to have a relaxing weekend, last minute kakes popped up. A little challenging too. I have two different "Tinkerbell" themed birthday kakes, but they have to be different, of course! Also, a replica of "The Huddle House" restaurant! Pretty excited about all 3! Baking, baking, baking day!!! Sooooo much fun! Thank you ALL!!! Will post pix of all 3 kakes upon completion! :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Just Plain Kake Talk....

As the day draws to an end and the refrigerator fills to the brim, I know I've had a successful day of kakery! Father's day is coming up, birthday's and just plain occassion kakes are filling up my days off! I'm definitely NOT complaining, the more the merrier. Just sooooo looking forward to being part time! So I will have more time for KAKES. Only a few more weeks! I couldn't have done it without all the love and support of my family and friends. It means more to me than I can even put into words.
I'm so excited and blessed to have this chapter of my life unfolding. I can't wait to see what the future holds!
So keep checking in! Lots of exciting stuff! I can feel it!!!! :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Baby Shower Kake

Last weekend I had the opportunity to make a beautiful baby shower cake for a good friend of mine that is welcoming her first baby, Mya, into the world. (She's also due on my birthday!) She gave me a picture of her bedding set and asked me to model the cake after that. Here is the bedding set.

And here is her finished cake!

 It turned out beautifully! A vanilla cake with raspberry filling and the same for the cupcakes. It turned out wonderfully! Thank you Amy for the opportunity, it was a great shower and I can't wait to meet Mya!

First Kake Talk

Welcome to my blog! I want this to be for everyone that loves kake. Whether you love to bake, decorate, read about, watch shows or just plain eat kake! I'm going to share my kake experiences with you all. The good, the bad and the kake-tastrophies! Hopefully there won't be many bad or kake-tastrophies and there will be lots of good!
I'll share with you any new products or techniques I come accross. Also, as a member of the commitee for the Florida I.C.E.D. Cake Competition you will get lots of news about our upcoming 2012 event!

So keep checking back, lots of exciting things to come!